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Disposable Outcome

by Chris Sorrenti

to the throw away society

another box of papers
to shred
then I spot a familiar name
all too quickly forgotten
in the preoccupation
with my own life

résumé of a coworker
who died two years ago
from cancer

“two years already?!”

a sinking feeling rising
as I imagine her typing out
business accomplishments

not so different from me

filled with hopes and dreams
plans for the future
taking for granted
she’d see them through

and if I knew then what I know now
what could I say to her?

“you’re wasting time
save your energy
a more important battle lies ahead
...that you will lose”

one last glance
before I seal the box
and this sense of guilt
for through it all
only one sentiment prevails...

“glad it wasn’t me”

© 2000

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Posted on 06/21/2015
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 06/22/15 at 02:57 PM

A good look back in this one, Chris. I think you've expressed what most feel when someone is terminal. A thoughtful piece.

Posted by James Zealy on 06/25/15 at 06:08 PM

Dreams and the hope we can reach them is what is special about humans. Without hope or dreams of what could be, one would never get out of the bed in the morning. I suspect your colleague was one who needed to be busy. The thought i s definitely right in front of us especially now, as I for one have reached the home stretch of my career.

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