and we are left alone, forlorn

by Linda Fuller

Yesterday upon my lawn
a mushroom sprouted all adorned
with nacreous gills with which to spawn
its progeny, who would be borne

by breezes hither, zephyrs yon
to flourish elsewhere. (Be forewarned
the chance is slim to settle on
a fertile ground devoid of thorn.)

When shrouded sun eclipses dawn
and mourning doves extol the morn
exquisite deathcaps are withdrawn
and we are left alone, forlorn.


Author's Note: An experiment, of sorts, written in 2013.

Posted on 12/10/2014
Copyright © 2024 Linda Fuller

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 12/13/14 at 02:24 AM

Ephemeral and on a mushroom mission. Loved the tight rhyming to this - really speeds this poem along, a good companion to the fleeting spoors that grab a breeze for all they're worth. "all adorned with nacreous gills" nice phrase describing their unique structures. Thanks for this.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 01/25/15 at 08:53 PM

Fascinating use of vocabulary...language to deliver the message. I prefer the edible kind fried in butter. :)

Posted by H.M Stevens on 03/18/15 at 09:10 PM

An experiment to appreciate, thank you for sharing Linda.

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