In Case You Are Stopping By The Wintry Woods 2

by Philip F De Pinto

Happy Thanksgiving Day, Beautiful.
Happy Every Day You Live On This Earth.
For this Earth and I are surely glad to have yea on it.

It's as simple as all that.

This is all I wish to say

Happy T day and

Happy Every Day To You,

From me,

Who will e'er be grateful,

For having encountered thee.

Belle that yea are.

And e'er will be

To me.


Posted on 11/27/2014
Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 11/27/14 at 08:21 PM

I do wish you a wonderful balance to you for however long you live and that each is exactly as you would have it!! And more than anything I am so glad I met you on this site.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 11/28/14 at 11:55 PM

"It's as simple as all that." my favorite line. Wishing someone happiness really is that, isn't it? A nice connection here, Philip. Thank you.

Posted by June Labyzon on 12/04/14 at 01:26 PM

And happy every day to you as well, and it is as simple as that...and perhaps we all need to learn that lesson...

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