
A Peek At - Waiting for Translation

by Alison McKenzie

She woke up
With his pen in her hand,
The ink still wet,
Poetry in a language
She had not yet learned
And she waited
For a translation.


Author's Note: Inspired by a perspective not my own.

Posted on 11/12/2014
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 11/13/14 at 07:37 AM

Really like the spiritual angle of this one, Ali. Yes, sometimes we're not ready yet to fully translate situations and events, but with time and patience, all will be revealed to us.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 11/13/14 at 07:23 PM

These simple lines suggest so much. I like the open ended feel to this, and those perfect first two lines.

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