From the Patch

by Kristina Woodhill

Jack knew a thing or two
About fantasies more than skin deep

Knew it was his turn to carve out
Dreams passed down

Seed to seed
Following a bright inner burn

To join the game, torque the spin,
Feel the free-flying arc to the 10-foot hoop

Stories of his sidelined kin
Grinning down low from a 60's or 70's porch

While background cheers from the open front window
Spelled out the span of Chamberlain's massive hands

Tales of sitting on an 80's city stoop,
Scowling, pushed against the railing

Making space for the 'hood'
Bent hard over a boombox

Every exhale in synch to give more lift
To the wings of a 6' 9” Bird named Larry

Jack knew a lot of his kin
Had been fence sitters

Window leaners
Candle holders

Some might rudely imply
Cut ups
Plump to shrunk

But not of their own volition
Not when the squeak of reeboks


Polished planks
To walls
And round

Jack knew it would take
A Globetrotter's sleight of hand

To get him into the game
To get him positioned for

The One Thing

No one from the patch
Resented The One Thing

A chance given
A chance taken

The hand deals
The play

Everything above board
Keeps you going

Some dreamed of a well-ordered
Perfect slow-motion free throw

Some saw themselves part of
A magic behind-the-back pass

A flash of orange through
A sea of waving arms

Jack, however, was shooting for the ultimate

Here's where the legend of Jack 'O begins
An alpha-omega tale, here's where it ends;
A game that is tied with a minute to go
Turns a crowd into lions, its roar fuels the show;
Picture the star of the game on the run,
Guarded and aided by four, five as one;
Into your mind's eye the hoop closes fast,
Into the star's hand is Jack 'O at last,
Count down the ticks as the star fakes, then jumps,
See Jack 'O's grin as he's cleanly slam dunked


Author's Note: Happy Halloween!

Posted on 10/30/2014
Copyright © 2024 Kristina Woodhill

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 10/30/14 at 11:30 PM

Excellent seasonal story telling Kristina!

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 11/08/14 at 11:00 PM

Most interesting analogy. Jack 'O certainly slam dunks in our circle on Halloween!

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