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Does A Crow Know?

by Chris Sorrenti

Does a crow know when it’s old?

zipping across sky
no longer bringing joy
rather nausea
CAW CAW competitions
seeming only a waste of time
difficulty in the dawn
opening its eyes

Does any bird for that matter
realize it’s getting old?

the taste of worms
unexciting - too familiar
wing muscles once limber
now achy - easily strained
joints creaking
as it lands upon a branch

scoffing at the fledglings
strutting their stuff
too much fuss
over the laying of eggs

 photo CrowbyChrisSorrentiOttawa Canada 2007_zpsbimbsmcd.jpg

© 1997
Photo © 2007 by author

1,250 hits as of July 2024


Posted on 10/05/2014
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 10/08/14 at 01:35 PM

I think the concept of age extends well beyond the human to understand. I think crows and all things in nature know they are getting old and that they are going to die. Elephants are a classic example of such who sensing their great age shuffle off to happy grazing grounds to die. This ode however is the exception to the rule. It doesn't know its age for reason it is in the constitution of odes to remain ever young.

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