Like A Girl

by Philip F De Pinto

It felt strange
Awkward even
To be young and schoolboy
And witness to two young girls
Fighting and tussling on the floor
And pulling each others tresses for good measure
Yanking them as if they were weeds

I recall one of the young girls was named MaryLou
And the other was named Thomas
Who was not a girl at all
Although he sure acted like one at times
And so he may as well have been one that day
Which was not fair to MaryLou
Given the girl she was grappling with had much the lesser hairs
To grasp and pull for good measure
As opposed to her own lengthy and lustrous tresses
Which Thomas used to his great advantage
Yanking them out by the fistfuls
To stuff his pillow with no doubt

It feels strange and awkward still
Years removed from school and boyhood
Not to know what precipitated that fight?
Why no one tried to stop it?
But we all sat there entranced and in a way charmed
And hopeful even ( at least that was the case with me )
That Thomas would yank enough sweet scented weeds
That a boy who was MaryLou's secret admirer
Might stuff a pillow with

In retrospect I wish I lacked not the courage
To act like a girl at times
That I might have instigated a fight with MaryLou
And gathered my own tresses to stuff a pillow with
And not be so reliant on Thomas
Acting like a girl for other than his own sake


Posted on 08/29/2014
Copyright © 2025 Philip F De Pinto

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 08/30/14 at 01:47 PM

Great story poem Phil. Reminds me of my own school days, when a fight would break out, sometimes with me included, and everyone would shout FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. No one would intervene except a teacher. It was always boy again boy though. Fighting with a girl that way seem a bit weird.

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