

by Olivia Martin

After more
than two thousand years
I’ve discovered
the proverbial key
to resurrection ---

Dressed for the corporate world
clad in the weight of nine-to-five
I find twelve minutes for my messages
somewhere between the latest subpoena
and a small bite of strawberry yogurt

In them I read
the heartache of a twelve year old girl
pouring her sentiments over the keys
like the falls
three hundred miles North

She tells me of her struggles
her faith in God the only thing
tethering her to hope
as the rest of reality
her from this earth
before dropping her at the bottom
aching from disappointment

and in those short moments
I sigh, quickly taken back
to my pre-teen years
and the countless messages
I sent to a dear friend when she
was always preparing for war
clad in her battle suit to ward off
the claws of disappointed parents
gnawing at ankles

but in the in between
she always set aside a few moments
to offer me comfort
her messages assuring me of miracles
and noting the day
when worms would
have ears and pigs could fly
her words cocooning me
in a hedge of protection
surrounded by hope ---

now it was my turn –

and in those twelve short minutes
I managed to scramble for sentiments
resembling those of my dear friend
wondering what she would tell
this aching young woman
to keep her from falling off the edge

and suddenly I hear her voice

I just hope you’re setting the world on fire

and I discover the key to resurrection isn’t science
it’s legacy.


Author's Note: Hello, again. It's funny how inspiration comes at moments when you least expect them, just when you think your fountain of words has been depleted forever. This is a rough draft of a rough draft, but again it's another piece where the words came out of no where after a drought. Please help with this one, I want to make this right.

Posted on 02/24/2014
Copyright © 2024 Olivia Martin

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 02/25/14 at 01:20 AM

Overall, I think this is pretty good as a first draft, though not sure how I would improve on it, not being you. Time is always best for revision...put it away for awhile, and when you pull it out at a later date, you will see things that can and/or should be changed. Excellent, powerful ending.

Posted by George Hoerner on 02/25/14 at 10:36 PM

I enjoyed this piece but haven't spent the necessary time to make suggestions.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 02/26/14 at 05:11 PM

Well said! Legacy when taken to heart and lived!

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 02/27/14 at 01:15 AM

I like the foundation of this, the recollections, the spark to what you can write to this girl. I don't really know what to do with the word "science" - it feels odd to me somehow. I really enjoyed S5 and S6.

Posted by Richard Vince on 01/29/17 at 04:41 PM

Wonderful stuff. The serenity of recollection in the urgency of a fleeting moment is so perfectly captured. A most deserving POTD. :)

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