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by Chris Sorrenti

for me
life has always been
an uncomfortable suit
yet gradually
over time
fitting just right

"If you cut me, do I not bleed?
Tickle me, do I not laugh?"

but more so
an alien sent to observe
this most remarkable colony

I call home
but no one ever answers
my native planet
wiped out perhaps
by an unforeseen plague

and so
like any foreigner
I try to fit in
adjusting my suit
to the style of the day
slipping in
a touch of my own
others won’t see through
this human disguise

“Hi - how are yous???”
honed into fine art

 photo alien_zps822b0fe4.gif

© 1998

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Author's Note: The opening poem to Missing Pieces.

Posted on 05/23/2013
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Laura Doom on 05/24/13 at 08:20 PM

Or perhaps we are all aliens from different points in time and space, engaged in a conspiracy of ignorance and disinformation...
I imagine this piece would always be read as contemporary, whenever you chose to write it--and really, you look good in that suit :>)

Posted by George Hoerner on 05/25/13 at 07:18 PM

We make ourselves aliens through circumstance or happenstance, which ever fits your reality. But more likely we've just not learned to understand ourselves and better than we understand others. Nice write Chris.

Posted by Paul Lastovica on 05/29/13 at 09:26 PM

whenever I read this all I could think of was the opening monologue for American Psycho.

In case you've not seen it:

Posted by Kristi Paik on 06/05/13 at 02:26 AM

hauntingly on point. i feel like an alien sometimes too! or at the very least a tourist on this planet. very vivid and creative, great read thanks!

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