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Easter Chocolate Ponderings

by Chris Sorrenti

What is it about Easter chocolate?
makes it sweeter than all the rest

Is it that we taste it but once a year?

All the wonderful shapes and sizes?
Bunny ears being my favorite!

Or maybe those extra ingredients
of Spring sunshine and melting snow
they somehow mix in at the factory?!

 photo chocolateeasterbunny_zpsa7d0f0c4.jpg

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Posted on 03/26/2013
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 03/27/13 at 12:34 AM

All I can say is, look out, ears!!

Posted by Laura Doom on 03/28/13 at 06:43 PM

Yes, buy some instant gratification and savour the post-prandial pondering...

Posted by LK Barrett on 04/01/13 at 03:41 PM

ah, yes, but are you all "ears first" or "ears last"? nibblers or biters or lickers? milk or dark? and can you eat just one? Moi? last, nibbler, milk, yes....thank you for this, my friend...lk

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 04/02/13 at 04:42 PM

Scrumptious poem..made more delicious, Chris, by the arrival of that long-sought spring, up there and down here.

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