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Fill Your Soul

by Jody Pratt

To dance when no one watches
is to roll in the spoils of life;
unfiltered, natural celebration
of all the things that lift your feet.

To sing when no one hears
is to voice a thank you to everything;
sincere, unexpected appreciation
for the ear-less things that surround you.

To smile when no one sees
is to reflect the joys within your mind;
intense, kissable expressions
in the thoughts of what forms you.

Greater then its parts
within your soul
something manifests -
You are the reflected smile
and song,
and cause to dance;
the spoil that lifts the foot,
when you share your soulful rants.


Author's Note: Edited the end, it was bothering me. Still not sure if it's "there," but it's better then before.

Posted on 09/28/2012
Copyright © 2024 Jody Pratt

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Angie Jenkins on 09/28/12 at 06:54 AM

Love it! Everything's better when you have someone to share it with :) Great write!

Posted by George Hoerner on 09/28/12 at 07:17 PM

A very nice write Jody. And yes sharing in most things is better than not.

Posted by Christel Crews on 09/29/12 at 03:35 AM

what i love about this, is that as i read, i found myself smiling thinking of times in my recent past where i have danced, smiled, and sung alone.. to share these treasures with others is absolutely divine and this piece radiates that truth beautifully!

Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 09/29/12 at 11:36 AM

This *STELLAR* poem captures the experience that my husband and I recently had at a place called Grandfather Mt....we were at a peak looking over the mountains,playing music by Railroad Earth in the car's cd player and dancing our hearts out and no one else around!

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 09/29/12 at 08:02 PM

I enjoyed thinking about the celebration of the soul alone as much as I did the sharing of these simple things. I would hope that all of us could experience both. Thanks, Jody.

Posted by Alison McKenzie on 10/03/12 at 01:42 PM

I like the form, the singularity of the dance, the song, and the smile, each the subject of their very own verse, followed by the one verse where all are shared by two. I have one observation/critique. While the imagery in the first three stanzas is superb, the last stanza falls somewhat flat in comparison, and I KNOW your talent flies far beyond those words. "Love", "happiness", and "joy" are such ambiguous words. When I get to that last "majesty of coupledom" stanza, I was prepared to read your most vivid version of what that looks like to you!!! Thank you for bringing your word-art to us!

Posted by Bertram Sparagmos on 10/04/12 at 05:32 PM

A jubilant revelry in honor of inner beauty. If only there was more.

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 10/05/12 at 01:01 PM

for certain, this is POTD worthy and more. it gets my vote just for the sheer beauty of it. it takes no less that a sage much steeped in life and soul to write about such and you have in spades and hearts, as well in diamonds and clubs. needless to say this poem is a winning hand.

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 10/05/12 at 08:58 PM

"to sing when no one hears.." you must have been with me on the way home, Jody, hearing me sing to the Ipod and my favorite tunes. Little did I now I was giving thanks and gratitude to all around me, but you know what? I like to think that I was and I love this poem!

Posted by Max Bouillet on 10/22/12 at 11:09 PM

The things we do when we are by ourselves define us --at least that is how we see ourselves. Self-definition is a tricky bit and all too often leads to self-delusion but to dance and sing is to be positive and happy. Great write.

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