
2012 - A Celebration (Aria in 5D)

by Alison McKenzie

In a moment of celebration
We witness the end of an era,
Let the last of the clocks
Roll into the final strokes
Of this three dimensional reality.

In the spirit of celebration
We lift our chalice,
The last of our 3D vestiges,
To a sky that is deflating,
A phenomenon that is
Raising the bar
Of who we are

In celebratory dance,
Our rhythmic soles
Gently tap in the ground work
Of fifth dimensional shifts,
Kisses connecting
Mass to Mass
In magical merriment,
The liquidation
Of individual souls
To unity.

I am sung

Let the Aria
In 5D


Author's Note: It's all singing from here on out...

Posted on 12/31/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 12/31/11 at 08:12 PM

Quite the jovial well spirited poem. My only problem was with the word "liquidation." I know it traditionally as meaning "eliminating," however when paired with "unity," I see it more as causing to flow more. Great piece to bring in the new year. Namasté!

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 12/31/11 at 11:27 PM

A fine look at many dimensions - may we all find glasses that give us 5D! Thanks, Ali!

Posted by Mo Couts on 01/02/12 at 12:11 AM

5D is SO much more beautiful than 3D. Great job per usual, Ali!

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