Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by George Hoerner on 12/18/11 at 03:08 AM If teachers were required to have a minimum of a masters degree they might at least know the sujbect that they taught. Interesting write lady. |
Posted by Jim Benz on 12/18/11 at 08:33 PM Nice one, Linda, but you should un-bold the lead letters and let your readers have a mini-ephiphany of their own! |
Posted by Lori Blair on 12/19/11 at 12:13 AM I once had such a vacuum..and as I recall I realized it by name wasn't guess I needed to grope deeper! Thanks! Excellent work! |
Posted by Ken Harnisch on 12/19/11 at 11:06 AM Oh, I do so like the point of seeing the light, to coin a pun. |
Posted by Joe Cramer on 12/21/11 at 12:21 PM ... excellent..... |
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 01/28/12 at 12:41 PM fakery and pretense more or less describes and dictates the state of our current affairs, which is sad and the very reason we write, in order to right that quack ship and achieve that precious and rare occuring moment of our Nirvana when we can shuffle off false and pretentious coils and veer into the sheerness of our virtuosity. |
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 02/08/12 at 07:43 PM Much truth and wisdom here Linda; well stated! Adds to favourites. |