Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Leslye Writer on 10/29/11 at 12:28 PM I can hear the high sound. The exposed belly, the waves and the ballet are memorable. I will remember this poem when I read it again in a thousand years. The finger on crystal will still be sounding. |
Posted by LK Barrett on 10/29/11 at 03:23 PM the change in meter from trochee to iamb and back...the vulnerability and the immersion in this tender little life is quite special...ty, |
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 10/30/11 at 01:10 AM "The snail's song is long
and it takes a lifetime to sing." I really enjoy reading a new perspective. Leaving it with that high crystal sound resonates (pun intended). Thank you. |
Posted by Paganini Jones on 10/30/11 at 11:34 PM I love this - an immediate favourite! |
Posted by Lori Blair on 11/02/11 at 10:01 PM I read this earlier and didn't have time to comment so I rated it..but I did indeed have to return to comment! We have a tank with snails in it and I could never have described the beauty of it all as you have since done! Brilliant! |
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 11/06/11 at 06:34 PM And a very interesting perspective it is! :o) |
Posted by Tony Whitaker on 11/13/11 at 04:37 PM I was picturing our saltwater aquarium as I read each line. A vivid tale of two water worlds! |
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 02/02/12 at 04:25 PM Congrats on POTD! Really loved the "fin ballet and tail flick race". |
Posted by LK Barrett on 02/02/12 at 10:02 PM Just as fresh, as sweetly vulnerable and wise as the first time I heard you read this, and still so poignantly clear and pointed. Love and sincerest congratulations on a well-deserved POTD. |
Posted by Angela Stevens on 07/17/12 at 07:45 PM We do indeed have different perspectives! I enjoyed reading this, thank you. |