
A Violet Fire

by Alison McKenzie

As the gloaming curtains fall
The twilit grey of violets call
Through crystal bowls, the coming ‘eve
In purist tone the chorus’ cleave

The notes suspend a rising moon
The incense smoke hangs in the tune
Of Spirits gathered rare delight
To witness darkness' fade to bright

In voluntary droves arrive
The shadows where such darklings thrive
The cleansing, violet flame they seek
To render strong the weary weak

Come Dancers, in collective mirth
To witness Night’s enlightened birth
Transmuting flame of violet deem
Eclipse beyond the daring dream

And thus it burns, my one desire
To render truth from violet fire
To walk my soul in bodied prayers
Along the path that Love prepares


Posted on 10/15/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Shannon McEwen on 10/15/11 at 01:23 PM

I love this Alison!

Posted by Quinn Vokes on 10/16/11 at 12:35 AM

Beautiful, Alison. I am mesmerized :)

Posted by Keith D Allison on 10/16/11 at 12:50 AM

Stardust among the flowers,

Posted by Shonda Creemer on 10/16/11 at 05:24 AM

So delicate! It danced upon my tongue. I adore this.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 10/16/11 at 05:13 PM

...ali, this is transitory, sending wave with your words...so normal for you to write a laced-wreath of words into an emotional watershed.

Posted by Laura Doom on 10/16/11 at 06:00 PM

I couldn't begin to create a piece this empyreal -- a reciprocal complement of compliments :>

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 10/16/11 at 06:07 PM

There is a sense of profound renewal in this remarkable piece.

Posted by Lori Blair on 10/17/11 at 05:12 AM

How I loved this write as well as that final line..we do have a path we follow regardless of how many times we lose our way..Brilliant write!

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 10/17/11 at 12:49 PM

Elegant and sensuous lyricism and beautiful rhyme...capped off by that killer last stanza. Bravo, Alison!

Posted by Tony Whitaker on 10/17/11 at 09:20 PM

I love the octet meter to this!! Nice to come back and read one of your poems Al-i-son!

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 10/25/11 at 05:15 PM

most edifying and pure, everything about this

Posted by Colleen Sperry on 10/28/11 at 06:24 PM

so enjoyed reading this!

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