
Hopeful Summer Breeze

by Alison McKenzie

I leave the window open -
The Wind's invitation.

I press into the moment,
Glad for the giggle;

I am pulled back and forth through time,
Back to us, forward to alone -
I am everywhere.

Tomorrow is arriving
Earlier than expected;
Me, naked.

I offer only my love.
You smile -
I am blind.

I take a breath,
Strip it of nourishment.
It does not end the suffering.

I sing on the exhale,
One note in the chorus.

This is only one wound
On an oft-beaten heart.

I find myself
Everywhere I go.


Author's Note: A little different style than I'm used to.

Posted on 06/19/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 06/20/11 at 01:56 AM

Hauntingly beautiful, eloquently recited. Excellent flow also Ali.

Posted by Mo Couts on 06/20/11 at 02:10 AM

Yes, different for you, but absolutely beautiful and well written. So glad that you can find yourself everywhere you go (me, too! and how absolutely delightful is that?)

Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 06/22/11 at 02:44 PM

I like it. The old style you still comes through-you have some really great lines in this. I think that last line really ties it all together very well.I enjoyed reading this.It

Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 06/22/11 at 02:45 PM

oops...It is good work, Ali.

Posted by Tony Whitaker on 06/27/11 at 07:30 PM

Even after a month or so away you still rank in the top ten. Rightfully so with poesies such as this! You are one of my favorite writers on this site and always look at my favorites first, for good reason.

Posted by Laurie Blum on 06/29/11 at 05:29 PM

just so lovely...

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 07/02/11 at 09:27 PM

I like the measured thoughts of this very much. Really a brilliant first line.

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