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At This Late Age

by Chris Sorrenti

Once more
radiant solitude
immersed in that feeling
nobody loves me
though somebody does
and always will

I savor the silence
a long forgotten wine
time to meditate
upon the years spent
with a special human being
who taught me much
even at this late age

And now
this bird flies again
to seek her fortune
in country
among the canyons
of glass half full
a lesson I will carry
for the rest of my days

Will she pass this way again?
difficult to say
her migratory patterns
quite complex
and only she holds the answer
to match her own riddle

© 2011

1,500 hits as of July 2024


Posted on 06/04/2011
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by JJ Johnson on 06/04/11 at 05:27 PM

I like this piece. I have been at the waiting end of migratory fowl all too often and I can't recall one that flew back to my nest when they did come back this way. As far as suggesting changes, maybe some work on the meter, as it varies from stanza to stanza, but overall I like the feel and the flow. I certainly like the imagery! jj

Posted by Linda Fuller on 06/05/11 at 01:52 AM

this makes me sad...

Posted by James Zealy on 06/05/11 at 06:40 AM

That Chris sounds hopeful, and perhaps you are the solution to her riddle and she does not know it yet.

Posted by Kristine Briese on 06/05/11 at 06:35 PM

Lovely and poignant; a beautiful piece of work.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 06/05/11 at 06:56 PM

Striking analogy! Bittersweet. There is a wistful hope expressed.

Posted by Glenn Currier on 06/28/11 at 04:41 PM

Chris, I don't know... can you get any better than this. You seem to blossom more and more with advancing age. I love the way you tip you hat to the "teacher" and then weave in the metaphor of migratory birds. Oh so well done, my friend.

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