Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 02/27/11 at 12:56 PM Quite the epiphany to wake up to. With every new day, the slate wiped clean, and a fresh start. |
Posted by Anita Mac on 02/28/11 at 01:31 AM And so it goes on and on, idly depressing and subtly hopeful all at once. You are so much better with words than I am. ;o) |
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 02/28/11 at 01:02 PM only a zombie would not be enthralled with the sounds broiling in this ode, which for a Pan would be to die for, save I equate them all with life. this poem is an opus to sound and signs the all of which are vital which are sporting in such that are dwelling here. |
Posted by Max Bouillet on 03/14/11 at 12:40 AM A new day breaks and shattered we jump from fracture to fracture cutting ourselves on close calls and fumbles until night weaves the world black together again and we sleep in anticipation of the early morning break on the next ‘rise. I miss reading you. |
Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 03/27/11 at 02:35 AM An old soul wakes, always glad to find your words. |
Posted by Morgan D Hafele on 05/23/11 at 10:38 AM this feels like walking through a partly remembered dream. |