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A New Lady

by H.M Stevens

Out of nowhere
I am a lady

No taller
No wiser
No more measured

My skin,
muffled by the sweet breath
of mother nature's air

My knees,
ruffled by the slow upward steps
slanting towards descent

My toes,
sink into wet sand
the grip of familiar terrain

My eyes,
capture a wonderment from
when little was known


Out of nowhere
I am a surprise

No taller
No wiser
No more measured


Posted on 03/21/2010
Copyright © 2024 H.M Stevens

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 03/22/10 at 07:15 PM

I love the blunt tone of this, the simple form. It hammers its point in quite nicely.

Posted by Charlotte Smith on 03/24/10 at 04:13 AM

The repetition in the last stanza is brilliant. I love the irony of "out of nowhere / I am a surprise" despite the lack of physical change. There's something magical about it.

Posted by Sigurdur Haraldsson on 10/30/10 at 08:55 AM

Congratulations on the POTD. This is very good.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 02/12/15 at 06:35 PM

This is a marvelous poem of self realization. I like the subtle inner rhymes here and there, adding flow, and especially how you are realizing in relation to the world around you.

Posted by Mo Couts on 04/02/15 at 03:47 PM

Isn't that how it always seems to happen upon us? We are older, wiser, but more to measure? I find it the same, too. Nicely done.

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