Occupation: Student & Administrative Asst.
City: Berkeley
State: CA
Country: US
Member Since: March 2010
Last Login: 12/12/2013
I'm hopeless at describing myself in these things. Favorites are superficial and details personal. Why not get to know me instead? As for my poetry (for what could be more biographical than poems which document the most intimate of thoughts?), I prefer honesty over compliments, though I'll reject neither. I'm here to improve my rather amateur poetics, after all, so your true opinions would be highly appreciated. I'm most interested in how you interpret my poems, what leaves you in the dark, and any suggestions you may have to make them more accessible. I'll return the favor, so if I leave you a comment that's not full of praise, please don't be offended. It's nothing personal.
Poems with an asterix before the title are poems that I'm satisfied with or proud of (note the few numbers and recent dates: enough time hasn't passed for me to reach the appropriate amount of shame). Everything else needs a lot of work. That's where you come in.
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