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by Kristina Woodhill

The buffleheads are bobbing once again,
Pristine white feathers, mohawked stripe jet black;
Quick-quick for females floating near that preen,
Their softer flirting hues present their backs.

A January yawning clock surprised,
Peeks out from under night cap, stilled alarm;
Insistent tapping on its watered eyes,
As mallards join the head-strong bob-ba-long.

Above the ponds the goose and gander peer,
Perched tentative on platform's nesting roost;
Their volume fills the musical veneer,
Starlings conduct with up and down-beat swoops.

The dove with message firmly in its beak,
Finds February shaking out and primping its first week.


Posted on 01/26/2010
Copyright © 2024 Kristina Woodhill

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Sandy M. Humphrey on 01/26/10 at 10:43 PM

Kristina, thanks for taking on this bird watching trip with you, so beautiful and the sounds are amazing, you captured nature in all its glory and I never knew it could be so fun. smh

Posted by Therese Elaine on 01/27/10 at 01:33 AM

Kristina, you've made me remember all of the bird activity in Alaska when I was growing up -my dad was a huge bird lover and this just takes me back to all of those days watching plumage change and courtship rituals and lazy days indulging in watching nature unfold around you -you have such a gift for this sort of natural film-style imagery and I am envious of the grace with which you pull it off!!

Posted by Amie Golda on 01/27/10 at 01:52 AM

Too bad I can't rate this poem. I would have given it a very high score. Your imagery here is more than vivid, I love the words you used, and the flow is just awesome. So relaxing, thank you for taking us on this flight.

Posted by Melissa Arel on 01/27/10 at 01:51 PM

Another spectacular poem, Kristina. I could see those various birds in my mind as I read your words. The descriptions were flawless and as a nature-lover, I thoroughly enjoyed this! :)

Posted by Steven Kenworthy on 01/30/10 at 11:32 PM

how you come up with this stuff is beyond me. that is not a bad thing! it's a good thing...:P just wish i had your more open mind sometimes...finding beauty and poetry in nature is inherent...not taught. so i'm jealous...and the rhyming wasn't cheesy either...well done. extremely poetic as well...whatever that means to ya. ;)

Posted by Jim Benz on 01/31/10 at 03:36 AM

lovely sonnet Kristina.

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