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Cries of My Sin

by Clara Mae Gregory

Salt droplets have fallen
and still waters your bed
My spirit cries out
Because you have fled

The flowers lie dormant
Buried in your soil as seed
Perhaps the time passing
Will allow them to Spring

Salt droplets have fallen
And still waters your bed
My spirit cries out
Because you have fled

The lillies are waiting
For living again
Not to be drowned
By the cries of my sin


Author's Note: repost for archives

Posted on 09/18/2009
Copyright © 2024 Clara Mae Gregory

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Joe Cramer on 09/18/09 at 04:31 PM

.... wonderful.....

Posted by Joe David on 09/18/09 at 07:23 PM

Oh I like this. So poignant. Really good word play, especially with the repetitive lines. Drives it home with a velvet hammer.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 09/20/09 at 02:21 AM

Love that last stanza.

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 09/21/09 at 11:23 AM

there is beauty in sadness and melancholy and there is no denying the beauty of those two combining elements in this poem. God gave us tears to spend not to suck up and I spend some of them here.

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