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by Joe David

Old ways die hard
The new me fails again
Battered, bruised, bewildered
Backsliding but not surrendering
Action at war with Belief

Why, Why, Why
But there is no answer
Silence, dense, shroud-dark, and heavy,
Offers no comfort
I must go on
There is only the quest

“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” St. Paul – Romans, 7:15.


Posted on 09/16/2009
Copyright © 2025 Joe David

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 09/16/09 at 07:43 PM

Well put, Joe. I wonder the same about struggles, priorites that seem to have a life of their own. And Saul (Paul) was a man of grit and grace, and talk about hard times, even he had trouble keeping the correct end up. Enjoyed these ponderings. Thanks.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 09/16/09 at 08:44 PM

...joe, joe, joe, this is creepy-good, each line is a tome, and like kneading dough, it gets on your hands...it was an Everyman perspective and you netted it bubba...this is top drawer. and to think i know you, wow. ala the meister.

Posted by Glenn Currier on 09/17/09 at 01:52 PM

This line captures the feeling of being beaten down, down: "Silence, dense, shroud-dark, and heavy". But still - still - looking up for the light, knowing somewhere in the marrow that it is there. And good old Paul is so lovable and human in his weakness. What a great way to end this lovable poem, with the apostle whom we know - not only conquered the darkness but spread the Light. Finally, the title captures the crazy, awesome mix of action, Belief, and feeling as if we could hear the lonesome distant locomotive's horn in a Jimmy Rogers song.

Posted by Tony Whitaker on 09/17/09 at 03:16 PM

Interesting that Glenn gets the same feel as I do. When I see your name and the feeling of this poesie I think of these lyrics:
Hey Joe,
Ain't no hangman gonna,
He ain't gonna put a rope around me
You better believe it right now
I gotta go now
Hey Joe, you better run on down
Good by everybody
Hey Joe, uhh
Run on down
Faith Brother Joe. Faith!

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 09/21/09 at 12:40 AM

My take on Paul's quote is that this was the legal Pharise before his Damascus experience. The poem certainly is a theme of most who wanting to do good, wanting to be better, find in themselves the inability to do, to be. Those who know Christ find their answer in Him.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 04/25/10 at 02:07 AM

Loved that last line - truth!!

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