
The Smile

by Alex Smyth

It caught at my heart when I saw him,
The curve of the chin
The soft brown hair
The once familiar scent
stirring memories of youthfulness.

That unselfconscious perfection made my arms ache.

As tho summoned by my yearning
He turned and met my stare.
Caught like a deer in the headlights, I braced.

For a flicker of a second his forthright gaze measured my whole self ~
And then, with a mischievous lift of an eyebrow
He smiled at me.

*soft sigh*

He smiled at me
Over his mother’s shoulder
As she jiggled him on her hip in the checkout line.


Author's Note: Such precious little creations.

Posted on 05/28/2009
Copyright © 2024 Alex Smyth

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Glenn Currier on 07/17/09 at 05:07 AM

Literally lol. This is soooo good. You had me totally hooked and hoodwinked. I love being surprised at the end of a poem which has caught my imagination pulling be along in a reverie. :-)

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 02/22/11 at 02:45 AM

Great moment to capture! Young children can be very shy or very outgoing -- same children! You caught one at a most oportune time!

Posted by Max Bouillet on 03/14/11 at 12:56 AM

What a clever little plot twist! I loved it.

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 02/21/18 at 11:50 AM

Congratulations, Alex. Great POTD.

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