Paper Nails by Wayne TateWith chills arching my spine
I stare out the window
and jump headfirst
into the glass pane
Enjoying the cool waves
bouncing off of my face
from the fog and the frost
that I exhaled passed my lips
Breathing fragile life
onto my cold, clear canvas
and etching my existence
with paper nails
A smile steals my glance
and I trap myself
inside their eyes
I become reflex.
A speck within two timelines.
Yet that was my moment
That was my gift...
Now driven to memory... 05/20/2009 Posted on 05/20/2009 Copyright © 2025 Wayne Tate
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Sarah Wolf on 05/21/09 at 01:46 PM Wayne I think this is perhaps the most simple yet stunning piece of yours... Makes me feel alive inside and like I was there with you... Beautiful work... :) You are a true poet... |
Posted by A. Paige White on 05/21/09 at 06:00 PM Wow. For some reason, this poem makes me see a stick man, you know like kids draw with crayons, animated and acting out the scenes drawn in these words to finally stop and stare through the looking glass... I love it when poetry does that to me. Thanks! |
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 05/23/09 at 08:11 PM Glad I checked this one out. Maybe, I'm mistaken, but I see you as ghost here, beautifully haunting the canvas of the readers' computer screen, with crisp evocative images. |
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 05/23/09 at 09:59 PM ...well, i read the pome[sic] and the responses and they were right-0; i felt a cool/cold scythe of slice me lil' chunks o' reality to look at, puzzle-over, put back down and pick another [piece of broken glass/reality] and chenk it out, again and a ghost[can't touch-me-thingee]...a good work because it can't tie it down easily...good and slippery. |
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 05/23/09 at 10:01 PM ...wayne, i left out several working-verbs in my first comment, i was in a "thinking" not writing zone. |
Posted by Glenn Currier on 10/30/09 at 06:59 PM Ah, your etching is priceless upon this etherpage. My favorite verse, the first. How often have I taken that dive with such fantastic effect. Your poem echoed a poem written by Chris Sorrenti which I just read before yours and if you so desire, you might want to read that one and my comment. Here is the URL: Thanks Wayne for sharing your gift. |