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Coffee? II

by George Hoerner

“hello lady”
there it’s done
what can i lose
but my life or my love
but then in loosing
is the possibility of finding
for are we not all lost?

what else is the quest
but to take the chance
that through another
i may find myself
or at least part of
that elusive self

that unknown
being developing beyond
love of legs, lips, and hips
beyond the contagion
where being and doing
are one in the same

but as i write this
i still see your
legs, lips, hips,
and your etcetera
oh, there goes my
stagnating soul


Posted on 02/20/2009
Copyright © 2024 George Hoerner

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 02/20/09 at 09:59 PM

...yeah, remembering all her "etceteras", eh? a lively lil' jump to this one george, a happy-go-lucky skip in "attitude"...cool...mixing heavy-water and a flaming broad... bwhahhahahhahahaha

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 02/21/09 at 08:05 PM

Very nice, clever as hell. Especially the last stanza.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 02/23/09 at 12:26 AM

Loved how you dived in with those first two lines. Hey, and it may go beyond just coffee and your looping stagnating soul - one can hope. ;)

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 12/15/13 at 12:28 PM

this poem reminds me, that I am only a mere shell of a man waiting for some nutty woman to fulfill me, preferably almond shaped and to the core. I could just see us strolling, shell and nut beyond the contagion and possibility of being lost in each other, which is the sincerest form of discovery. losing ourselves in the day, only to rediscover ourselves by night. as always, George, your poems are ever honest and sincere. they always egg on a tear in me. which may be lost to the eye but not the cheek.

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