Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Nanette Bellman on 02/20/09 at 01:41 AM george, way to put such a topic into perspective. well done sir. |
Posted by Jason Wardell on 02/20/09 at 03:17 AM Wonderfully thought-provoking! If we're missing the forest for the trees, what chance do the apples have? |
Posted by Jeffrey Parren on 02/20/09 at 08:07 AM personification with apples! i love it! even if lost for the greater cause wouldn't they too be upset to be dying? ~JPP |
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 02/20/09 at 02:44 PM, very, very well done w/ an apple, possibly william tell's?...good healthy write, one we/humans can't escape... |
Posted by Glenn Currier on 10/09/09 at 07:39 PM George, you give these fallen "creatures" consciousness and therein rebirth them for the whole world to see - not just the local neighbors. Goodun, my friend. |
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 02/14/13 at 01:08 PM you poems never fail to soothe the spirit, mine in particular which is wounded like that apple which has sustained many bites in it, save the right bite, from the right mouth, which will always be the woman I love, who I suppose didn't like apples as much as I thought and left me to wither in the earth. |