

by Wayne Tate

What once I knew has left me....
and the sensation of its passing
as remotely distinct a feeling as any
a sensation recalled yet hard to imagine

starting between my eyes
finding its steps caressing my crown
leaving it's imprint on the field of hairs
and brushing the nape of my neck

losing it's footing it falls into my spine
splitting each nerve end to end
stumbling towards the deep
yet lingering long enough to graze a heart

quickly finding another path
slipping into weakened legs
tracing the sinews that begged me to stand
then nestling the back of my knees

pushing forward between my calves and shins
circling my ankles
and finding the arches of my feet
twitching the length of each toe

pressing itself out
shooting forward into the sand
then lost to the foam of the sea
...all that I was


all that you were....


Posted on 11/30/2008
Copyright © 2025 Wayne Tate

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 11/30/08 at 07:46 PM

The cream will rise to the top, won't it? Bubbles of storm and speeds. Nice pen to the frothiness of foam. I find hope in thus ending of were... perhaps a new wave will bring new moments of foam, held as soon gone...

Posted by Olivia Martin on 12/01/08 at 12:49 AM

Beautifully written Wayne. Just remember one thing - life, and the people in it are surely like waves, and move steadily, in an ebb and flow. Great job!

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 12/01/08 at 06:48 PM

You're quickly becoming one of my new favorite writers, man. Keep it up, please? Heh.

Posted by Sarah Wolf on 12/02/08 at 08:49 PM

I love the ending...

Posted by Nanette Bellman on 12/03/08 at 08:11 PM

you really nailed it here, especially with that last line.

Posted by Kris Mara on 07/10/09 at 08:18 PM

...so, I keep trying to think of what to say...but all I can express after reading this over and over is that it brings tears...it hits my heart...and I know that just sounds kind of mushy...but your words here just cut through in that way...and this is all I can say...besides thank you for sharing

Posted by Glenn Currier on 07/03/10 at 02:37 AM

How delightful the description of the foam and then the revelation of the metaphor at the end. My senses tingled a little with the wisp of your words. Thanks, Wayne.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 10/04/16 at 04:27 PM

Deliciously sensual in a lingering fashion. I'm very glad to have read this POTD! Congrats!

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