Christmas Traffic by Anastasia ShowsSome view christmas as baby jesus and ornaments on the tree,
but all i can see is the tail lights of all the cars in front of me.
Yes, it happens every year,
Traffic souring everyone's christmas cheer.
While on the way home from last minute gift shopping,
I spend hours in traffic perpetually starting and stopping.
So why bother to edge around that car,
I know know i'm not going to get very far.
No need bash that brown sedan into metal shards,
Just sit back adn address your christmas cards.
hours go by, still on the same road,
my sound judgement is starting to corrode
Now, my stomach is starting to grumble,
and if that jerk doesn't get off my tail,
there is going to be trouble.
Well, i'm going to run the bathroom quick!
It's not like i'm going to make it home before St. Nick. 01/07/2008 Author's Note: Christmas traffic sucks. period. the end.
Posted on 01/07/2008 Copyright © 2025 Anastasia Shows