
Grape People

by Maria Francesca

They travel in packs
like bunches of grapes
clinging to their vines,

so afraid
that you'll discover
the secret terror
that keeps them cemented there:

that alone
there's nothing to define them,
nothing individually beautiful
about them;

no one paints a picture
of a single grape -
their appeal exists
only in quantity.

Don't worry about the grape people
and don't strive
to become one;

They are blades of grass.
They are grains of sand.
They are interchangeable.

They allow themselves
to be trod upon.

Be a peach.
Be a rose.
Be a seashell.
Be your beautiful self.
And be aware

that the grape people
find comfort in conformity
because it is all they have.

You have more.
You are more.

Don't ever wish for less.


Author's Note: for my daughter.

Posted on 03/11/2007
Copyright © 2024 Maria Francesca

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 03/11/07 at 11:18 PM

Unique approach to conformity. Thank you.

Posted by Angela Nuzzo on 03/12/07 at 08:15 AM

This is wonderful, Maria! An excellent use of ordinary objects to create an extraordinary mantra that all individuals (not just the young) should repeat to themselves whenever they feel unsure of themselves in the world. Very nice!

Posted by Kyle Anne Kish on 07/16/07 at 04:10 PM

Maria, I find your use of objects, as descriptions of people ... those in packs (grapes) and those not (whew, pausing for a breath here), a very interesting and vivid approach to conformity. Put simply, I like this poem. :)

Posted by Tony Whitaker on 07/23/07 at 09:22 AM

Excellent and ditto to all the comments!

Posted by Genevieve Sturrock on 07/24/07 at 01:15 PM

would that my daughter were mature enough to understand....very well written. going in my favs

Posted by Carol Grant on 08/13/10 at 12:42 AM

Grape People the best name I have ever heard for a clique...a story well told..

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