
A Strong Man

by Alisa Js

For as long as I can remember
Its always been me,
The port in the storm
Steadfast security,
The one with the answers
The one with the plans,
The one who would make everything O.K.

And like any challenge
I took them head-on,
Knowing that somehow I'd find a way
To fix it
To solve it
To get to the answer
One after another
Kept piling them on ...

Until one day the dam broke
And I washed away,
Along with the poison that now threatened
Everything I knew about my realities ...

It was then I looked about
No one for miles
and I found myself
Without easy answers
Without quick solutions
Without a strong man ...

Oh, there were men
Sure, lots of them
Women too,
With the same words
Empty, like clouds
Full of vapor that blew with the breeze...

The strong man I needed was nowhere near
Yet, he guided me like a song in the night wind ...

Its two years later and I am still here
Wiser now ...


Posted on 02/17/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alisa Js

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rhonda Maneki on 02/17/07 at 07:55 AM

You're never "Stunned" Stunning" not stunned - stunned is the "strong" man who is not around.. or blind? * lol* bleeps and grinz* from under the breadfruit tree...Love, Rhonda

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 02/20/07 at 12:30 AM

hmmmm, age has shown me that strong men are not always able to be strong at all times - and so I have learned how to be strong for myself - sometimes lonely, but a dependable alternative... :)

Posted by Tony Whitaker on 02/20/07 at 11:47 PM

Wiser indeed to write such an insightful brilliant piece. Your style is unique and I look forward to each one you write. Thank you for sgharing your soul with us Alisa.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 02/21/07 at 01:00 PM

Evocative...thought provoking as always Alisa. Superb flow and conveyance of survival.

Posted by Soulo Jacob Bourgeau on 02/23/07 at 12:49 AM

Very powerful, triumphant survival narrative, this. Well written!

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 02/24/07 at 06:24 AM

My favorite quality in this poem is the mirror of voice and content. Whe secure there is an almost sing-song assuredness, but when the "dam broke" the voice, the ryhthm changes to a more broken one, and the ending section has a recovering rhythmic spoken voice.

Posted by Steve Baba on 12/11/08 at 07:49 AM

Great feeling reading this poem. I really liked the vocabulary you used in this poem, especially the 'stunned' word.

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