22 - Friday by Lacy D PhillipsMy days are disjointed, just as my spirit is cut up and abused having been handled roughly by this life. I maintain a smile and refuse negativity on all but the worst of days when the pain is less easy to ignore. Today, I vascillate between despair and heady optimism, potent though manufactured. And in all internal circumstances, I am outwardly cheerful and compassionate. Though I am hurt no one see through my fronts. All day doctors and nurses stream past my desk, they meet me coming and going in stairwells and none has yet asked after my well being, even as empty etiquette dictates though I gasp breath after the first few steps and my ill complexion frequently yellows. I will smile through parched lips and utter salutations with foetid breath both the offspring of the medication that dulls the constant discomfort, slows the degredation of my body and comforts a constantly sorrowed mind. 07/21/2006 Author's Note: Day Five of the One Week Challenge, and I had to internalize today. I wasn't feeling well.
Posted on 07/23/2006 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips