Pretty White Lies And A Matching Wedding Dress by Amy WustrinI'll take off my shoes
I'll stay a while
I'll look you square in the eye
Just do me
This favor
Lie to me
Lie like you were born for it
Pretty lies, if you don't mind
Grains of sand I can build my dream house on
An hour and a half before the tide rushes in
I'll make it easy
For you to make it good
I'll tell you what I want to hear
You just repeat it back to me
Lie to me
Tell me all about that house
And the property taxes
And how at the end of the day
We'll never really own any of it
But we'll pretend
Just like everybody else
Just like we're already doing
Right now
Lie to me
By kiss
By bittersweet kiss
And make me believe it
Then lay with me
Till morning
When your sober mind
Can't recall
A single thing
Your drunk mouth promised 07/16/2005 Posted on 07/16/2005 Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin