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Begging My Cat For Forgiveness

by Amy Wustrin

Please, baby, please

Don't look at me like that

Don't think I want it
To end like this

Don't think you're not my heart and soul

Please, baby, one more
One more wet-nosed
Eskimo Kiss

I love you
You know that
This isn't my design

Please, baby, please
I know you'll be lonely
I know you'll be scared
I don't know what will become of you
But I sure wish I could take your place
My sweet feline angel

No, baby, please
Please don't look so betrayed
Please don't walk away so sad
Please don't hate me for this
Or hate me
If it means
You won't forget me

I'll never forget you

I love you, baby
So much
I'm so ashamed
It's come to this

You deserve much better
My precious love

I hope so hard
Against all hope
That you find it very quickly

But please, baby, don't
Dont ever
Feel unwanted
I always wanted you
I always will


Author's Note: *sigh* my dear sweet cat didnt even do anything wrong. :'(

Posted on 06/23/2005
Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Michelle Angelini on 06/24/05 at 05:31 AM

Amy, this poem really got to me - I can't stop crying because you write from experience I've had. I don't know what happened to your cat, but it can't have been anything pleasant, and I'm sure you grieve deeply in your heart and soul. Grief needs no critiquing, the words come from a place that anyone who hasn't been through it can't understand. Those who have know the gut-wrenching feeling too well. Beautiful words Amy, I hope your heart heals soon.
~Chelle~ (a cat lover, too)

Posted by Lisa-Dawn Sparling on 12/31/05 at 06:36 AM

Sometimes an animal can see directly into your soul..

Posted by Amanda J Cobb on 01/31/06 at 11:23 PM

You have a talent for expressing how you feel very clearly and uniquely. Your poems are also easy to relate to, at least for me. I actually wrote a poem about this same kind of experience: Pepper

Posted by Melanie A Bennett on 04/16/07 at 01:13 PM

Amy, This is an extremely heartfelt poem and I can completely relate to it as an animal lover myself. I love it!

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 05/01/09 at 02:07 PM

alas, we must love our cats and dogs beyond the doom's anticipation and beg forgiveness at every turn and oh their sweet reminiscence when it pours.

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 05/02/09 at 11:17 PM

I found this in a my friend's favorite folder and now it's going into my favorites. I've been trying to understand what my mind is saying to my dog when I look into her eyes. This is it. Yes. Thank you. Kything with you and Cat.

Posted by Sandy M. Humphrey on 05/04/09 at 03:03 PM

My husband had a shop cat that he cared for deeply, went in on days off to feed and when Dusty got sick he tried to save her, this is so sad as was he when he couldn't do anything for the stray he took in...my heart goes out to you. smh

Posted by Colleen Sperry on 05/04/09 at 04:00 PM

I enjoyed this.. love the title too!

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