
Medusa's Song

by Rula Shin

Fly me to the waterÂ’s edge
where clear in my sights
breathing men walk miles
beyond my fatal ledge

Pull me from my belly out
this lair of slithering lords
iÂ’d shed a thousand skins for
just one sip amidst this drought

Drive me hard into the earth
far beneath her abysmal crust
weigh me down with centuries
of fragile human bones now dust

Show me how the loverÂ’s plight
destroys his passionÂ’s soul
blind me now with human sight
return the flaws you stole!


Posted on 09/27/2004
Copyright © 2024 Rula Shin

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 09/27/04 at 01:44 PM

Oh, how this goes so contraire, again the contradiction's rub, to your once confiding in me that you are no poet. you are not only a poet, but poetry is proud and swelling to have you mid'st its ranks.

Posted by Sarah Graves on 09/28/04 at 11:46 PM

I did enjoy reading this piece. I agree with the above comments, it flows so effortlessly..with these short yet abrasive stanzas. Your words, once again, capture me Rula.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 09/29/04 at 01:40 AM

Captivating, intriguing...medieval material Rula. Sounds like something that would have been read at Camelot. Well done!

Posted by Max Bouillet on 09/29/04 at 01:57 AM

Mythic expanse the covers the five sense and mortality quite well. I love the way you mesh your images with tangible themes. Great read.

Posted by Mara Meade on 09/29/04 at 02:21 AM

Passion and frustration... and you are cognizant of both... or at least of the many presentations of either. I applaud not only the poem, dear one, but the recognition it took to write it.

Posted by Traci Mabats on 09/29/04 at 02:41 AM

oooh, creepily fantastic. You rock Rula :)

Posted by Ashok Sharda on 10/24/04 at 05:47 AM

Medusa is a complex mythological character of an unknown origin though supposed be originated in Afrika. Medusa means -sovereign female wisdom. The Sanskrit word ‘Medha’ denotes- intellect, which supposedly have been drawn from Medusa. Medusa represents the Cycles of time which actually is the cycle of life and death. ‘She is universal Creativity and Destruction in eternal Transformation’. She is the “union of heaven and earth. She destroys in order to recreate balance. She purifies.” She , in its original depictions, is the ‘ultimate truth of reality’, and reality has to be ONE, the WHOLE and not dual. ‘She rips away our mortal illusions, forbidden yet liberating wisdom, the untamable forces of nature’. Doesn’t she sound like an impeccable warrior who seems to be challenging and taming the nature at the same time. This I suppose gives her this ruthless face. I quote from a research article on medusa-‘As a young and beautiful woman she is fertility and life. We must yield to her and her terms of mortality. She reflects a culture in harmony with nature. she was a symbol of the full potency of the great triple goddess” – the female trinity, till “her female wisdom, natural forces, powers of creativity, destruction and regeneration were demonized and made evil. She was made into a horrid, ugly monster, (most monsters were female or born of the Earth)’. She is one of the examples of how institutionalized religion dominates and condition our minds in this predominantly male society. ‘The mythological beheading of Medusa symbolizes the ultimate silencing of female wisdom and expression. It is the act which stops her growth, limits her potential, movement and cultural contributions. She is obliterated and her severed head is flaunted on the Acropolis and other works of art in pride of her and all women's subjugation by violent men. She is broken and her body enslaved. Her spirit, her mind, her spiritual powers are killed. Her once honored forces of female creativity and destruction are halted. Her role as dynamic mediatrix degraded. Her life-giving, death-wielding powers and wild forces of nature are controlled, tamed, and mastered by the male order. The cycles of life and nature are made to conform to his linear perspective. “ death is always the beginning of life and here is where Medusa lies, trapped between her immortal powers and, perhaps, her mortal desires....... demeaned by religious institutions and male chauvinism. Your depiction of Medusa brings yet one more aspect of her personality and essence and that is her loneliness and lack of love. ‘i’d shed a thousand skins for just one sip amidst this drought Yes, in the absence of this ‘human touch’ , medusa seems craving, representing just a ruthless beauty and wisdom without a soul. ‘blind me now with human sight return the flaws you stole!’. You have made a just case of this demeaned representative of wisdom, the nature tamer, in your endeavor to reestablish her real face.

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