

by Glenn Currier

Thirsty for shimmering refreshment,
the moon takes long gulps
of the lake.

In first light
I stand alone at waterÂ’s edge
humbled by the sacred vastness
I am about to pierce.

The cool intimacy
of this sleepylake moment
and its mindful peace
is nibbled away
by keenness of imagination
and remembered thrill
of that sudden yank

a moment of peril
for a big fat bass
frantic for the safety
of deeper hungry waters.

-- Saturday May 8, 2004 --
Lake Whitney State Park in north central Texas


Posted on 05/21/2004
Copyright © 2024 Glenn Currier

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Anne Engelen on 05/21/04 at 05:59 PM

excellent write!

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 05/21/04 at 07:30 PM

Although my fishing days are for the most part behind me, nostalgia wise this poem really hooked me in Glenn. I especially love the opening lines; great stage setter for what follows. Cheers!

Posted by Michele Schottelkorb on 05/22/04 at 06:12 PM

i love how you present both sides of the spectrum here... the fisherman about to "pierce" the "sacred vastness" and the bass' "peril" and "frantic" quest for safety... brilliant writing, glenn... blessings...

Posted by Alex Smyth on 05/22/04 at 06:56 PM

Reality, as if I were standing there, feeling it myself. The first stanza has the feel of an haiku, perfection, just sheer perfection!

Posted by Max Bouillet on 05/25/04 at 04:49 PM

Man and nature. Beautiful images that really sing to the heart. With such a beautiful scene, it is hard to determine who is hooking who. Great read.

Posted by Vimal Rony on 06/20/04 at 05:52 AM

Ty for sharing through these lovely lines.Lovely write,Glenn.

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