
God Has Been Making a Grandma

by Mary Ellen Smith

There’s someone deep inside of me
Just busting to be free.
It happens every time I have
A child at my knee.

Childbearing years behind me.
A yearning now, anew.
The child my dear
That grows inside of you.

My hairs a little grayer
The eyesight, not so fine.
A blessing that without my specs
This face is not so lined.

Perhaps a better purpose
God has a plan, you see.
A grandma has been growing
Here inside of me.

Someone soft for cuddling
And not too shy to bring
All the old time lullabies back
Out loud, in voice to sing.

Someone built for story time
To play a game or two.
God’s been making a Grandma
Just for you.

So I won’t bemoan time passing
Or the dresses a size bigger.
Besides, it’s been awhile now
Without my girlish figure.

My cup is running over
Looking happy to the day
When another little blessing
Comes our way.


Author's Note: Two more grandbabies on the way!

Posted on 01/03/2004
Copyright © 2024 Mary Ellen Smith

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 01/04/04 at 03:13 AM

Warm and whimsical, the lines surely speak to all grandparents.

Posted by Adrian Calhoun on 01/04/04 at 02:00 PM

Congrats! Very well written poem containing all of times passage, and a mothers love and longing. Emotional, and a lot of heart in this piece. God has blessed you, and it looks as though you have two more blessings to thank Him for.

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 01/05/04 at 06:29 AM

Another good one Mar....Charlie

Posted by Ashok Sharda on 01/08/04 at 02:59 AM

Well, we should be able to play all kind of roles that life writes for us. But, the role you are in currently seems most fulfilling. And you sound so perfectly fit for this role.

Posted by Jean Mollett on 03/14/04 at 05:11 AM

Hi Mary Ellen, God Has Been Making A Grandma, it's beautiful. It's nothing like it, to be a Grandma or Grandpa. Loving every minute of it, only if I could see them more often.

Posted by Melissa Arel on 12/22/04 at 10:35 PM

This is so sweet :) Wish my mother had felt this way when she found out I was pregnant.. her reaction was "I'm too young to be a grandma!" Beautiful & touching.. excellent read :)

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 05/03/05 at 05:57 PM

...maryellen!! what a delightful piece, well written and it couldn't happen to a better person, wonderful insight...i wrote God makes a Mother...on my rhymers, i think...great, great feeling piece...peace, chaz

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 05/04/05 at 01:59 AM

...maryellen, my mom-in-law, 87 is having a tough time thinking/believing she has worth!, and my dear your poem should lift her spirts and so with all my pleasure and love i cut and pasted this poem and sent it word.doc because she needs some love and this is soooo eloquent and squeezeably soft i hope you do not mind, but anyone who loves the Lord as you and humankind as you do should lift anyone's spirit, eh? blessings, chaz

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 07/25/06 at 01:36 PM

Full of love, beautifully written! Thank you!

Posted by Rachelle Howe on 02/15/07 at 05:56 AM

This is very, very cool. It's beautiful and smooth and I love it. The sentiment and sounds, even the rhyme: very well done. And I hate rhyme.

Posted by Genevieve Sturrock on 04/04/07 at 03:58 PM

aww! how sweet!

Posted by Joan Serratelli on 03/05/09 at 04:09 PM

As a grandmother of 2, I can certainly relate to this. I well remember the feelings I had when BOTH daughters were pregnant at the same time. I think I was more scared than they were. You echoed my feelings so well in this piece! So sweet and loving!

Posted by Maude Curtis on 03/11/09 at 10:54 AM

Beautiful poem. Grandchildren are wonderful. They can change your life

Posted by Maude Curtis on 03/24/09 at 03:25 PM

Yeah for you . Congrats. After 9 grandbabies, I now have a great grandchild on the way and I am so happy. I hope you have 2 blessed events.

Posted by Mo Couts on 06/28/11 at 11:06 PM

Oh wow...this is so beautiful! Grandmas are very, very special people! =)!

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