I love you by Emily G Myersthis isn't because I haven't said it before
I'm not writing to prove anything to you
I just want to let the world know
to let this stand as a constant reminder
of my similarly constant love
I love you
it's not something I say easily
don't you remember that night?
I felt so silly dancing all around the words
that feeling I'd known for so long
and had only just managed to express
I love you
I finally said it to you
the only time I've never regretted saying it
and nothing can change it
not any thing you do
not any distance between us
literal or figurative
not any thing at all
because I love you
this is not to prove a point
this is not a loophole
this is not a way out of an argument
this is only how I feel
how I've always felt
how I always will feel
I love you 02/25/2003 Author's Note: This is for my best friend in the whole world. I can't think of any other person who could inspire a poem like this. He's been the only constant good in my life for the past two years. I've never been good at saying "I love you" even if I'm deeply feeling it. And it took far too long for me to say it to him. We've talked recently about how there aren't any poems for him written in "the good times"... well, I don't know about the times right now... I just know that I love him and I want him to know that. I love you, Koye. More than you can possibly know.
Posted on 02/26/2003 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 02/27/03 at 01:22 AM Magnificent expression of honest feelings Emily. Too bad this appears just now, as only a month ago I offered a challenge to PPS poets to come up with a poem, either previously written or fresh, titled Three Words or Three Little Words, with the theme of I love You. Check out the poem Three Words in my Beginnings folder for a sampling, and if you come across any similarly worded poems by others, you can be sure they're related to my challenge. Your poem would make a fine addition to the challenge. Kudos! Chris :o) |
Posted by Lori Johnson on 03/02/03 at 03:12 AM Ah...I had forgotten how difficult is was to say those words the first time. Thanks for the reminder. Those words are precious & sacred. :) |