
Midnight Muse

by Mary Ellen Smith

"Why do you wake me up at this hour?"
I look for my glasses
A pen
Some paper.
I can only find an old receipt from Wallmart to write on.

This Muse is out of control.

"What...what is it?"

I scribble words that I won't be able to read in the morning...turn over and pull the blanket over my head.

"Let yourself out."


Posted on 02/17/2003
Copyright © 2024 Mary Ellen Smith

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 02/17/03 at 09:33 PM

LOL!!! Very funny! A just plain fun read!

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 02/18/03 at 03:40 AM

What red blooded poet can't relate to this well stated slice of frustration. Great closing line also.

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 02/19/03 at 04:06 AM


Posted by Fredrich Mohre on 03/24/05 at 06:34 PM

Like deja vu, or however them french folks sez it. I've counciled with master "Daniels' on a time or two in the wee hours and suddenly an epephany (or however them Greeks or Romans of bygone dayz would say it) of great original thoughts would overcome me....grab what's available; receipts, grocerie bags, baby wipes,(toilet paper, once) and any instrument; crayon magic marker, lipstick (not mine), whatever. Then scribe with the movements of a idiot savant, (or an one armed paperhanger) only to find, in the mornings light, that I need to hire a professional code breaker, to recreate my thoughtful and frenzied madness...loved your work, and thanks for the kind words, Fred

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