Dr. Seuss was unavailable (the fungus song!) by Andrew S AdamsLMAO
one has to wonder... is it physically possible to laugh ones ass of?
I dont think so. so instead we'll say Laugh Our Ass On. because its already one and it cant be taken away
hmm... and what if i do? are you saying you're better than me because of it? FUNGUS-HATER!!!!
I have fungus. oh yes i do. i have fungus....how bout you?
i have fungus, oh yes it's true. i have fungus, can i share with you?
i have fungus, so do you. we'll share fungus, yes its true.
we have fungus, oh yes we do. can we give it to everyone else, too?
Our fungus is here, Our fungus is there....HELL...Our fungus is everywhere.
ooh, maybe there's an epidemic, a fungus scare?
fungituns are tons of fun!
fungitons for everywhere!
play with them, eat them...grow them in soup!
Quite the unique bunch, collect the whole group!
you could even start a collection, a fungitun group...
dammit... fine. keep me out of the loop of this group in fungatun soup, i'm in a chicken coop where they stoop and watch over their own fungatun troop.
I woke up with croup, and jumped through a hoop into poop which i slipped and ate the group.
yea...no more fungitons...12/13/2002 Author's Note: um, this is something i wrote whilst bored and conversing w/ my friend abby. she wrote every other line. it's stupidtacular.
Posted on 12/13/2002 Copyright © 2025 Andrew S Adams