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Poetry Update – Photobucket and Teeth From The Tiger
10/18/2018 12:46 a.m.

Poetry Update – Photobucket and Teeth From The Tiger

I’ve given myself an early birthday present, and decided to bite the bullet as per Photobucket for their photo hosting services. They finally made me an offer I couldn’t refuse, and so I’ve signed on for a year’s subscription at just under Cdn$100/annually. Without getting too technical and long winded, this will enable me to once again marry photos and graphics to my poems at Pathetic.org. The service was originally offered for free, then without warning, Photobucket started charging a ridiculous amount of money, affordable mainly to companies that could easily write it off as a business expense, but left individual artists like myself in the lurch. I complained bitterly, as I’m sure others did too, and it wasn’t long before Photobucket came around and righted the wrong, so to speak. The exercise was actually good, as it showed me that my work could stand alone without being supported by visuals. None the less, some poems just look so much better when paired with photos…especially my own.

Meanwhile, work continues at a snail’s pace on my first ‘selected poems’ book, Teeth From The Tiger. Kind of a greatest hits of some of my best work, based on experience and the feedback of others. The poems (between 30-35) have been selected, and now the next step is to choose fonts and any accompanying graphics. Cousin/Photographer, Michael Cummings, has been kind enough to provide a great Tiger photo for the cover. The reason progress has been slow is that I still have a wealth of older material that has to be inputted and brought up to scratch. I now consider these to be good first drafts. The majority need work, some more than others. Couple this with my photo projects, I have to be careful dividing my time and energy, pacing myself without losing the passion for either or both. Apart from social media and a few friendships in the real world, the poetry and photography are what keep me sane in what seems an ever-crazier world.

 photo Tiger by Michael Cummings.jpg

I am currently Calm
I am listening to The Gorillaz

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 11/09/18 at 12:10 PM

Good luck, Chris. It is great when favorite poems can be banded together in books and be made available to the public. Is it not what we live for in part? Every poet's dream?

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