
Community News

by JD Clay

Laurie Blum and Joe Cramer would like to announce a Halloween poetry contest posted in the Contest Forum, complete with prizes and POTD honors. They cordially invite all pathetic members to join in this ghoulish contest. Click on CHILLINGLY CREEPY COMPETITION! for a direct link to view all the details and enter the competition. Happy haunting!

Valentine's Poetry Contest WINNERS - 02/12/2010
by JD Clay

Congratulations to the Winners of the Pathetic Valentine’s Poetry Contest! Along with the designated prizes, the top winners will also be featured as Poem Of The Day in the near future. Here are the winners as selected by the judges:

Valentine’s Heaven Winner: A Valentine Date by Angela Nuzzo
Valentine’s Hell Winner: Stupid Cupid by Jennifer Ragan

Laurie Blum and Joe Cramer would also like to acknowledge all the judges, from behind the scenes, who helped to make this wonderful contest possible.

Thanks to ALL Participants!

Valentine's Poetry Contest - 01/27/2010
by JD Clay

Laurie Blum and Joe Cramer would like to announce a new poetry contest posted in the Contest Forum, complete with prizes for the two winners. They cordially invite all pathetic members to join us in "Heaven or Hell" this Valentine's Day. Be sure to check the announcement in the Forum on this contest as we will be offering two different categories.
Click on Valentine's Poetry Contest for a direct link to view and enter the competition.

Temporary Server - 01/23/2010
by Gavin M Roy

I have completed the move to the new temporary server. I will be moving the site back on to it’s normal server once it has made the move from California to the east coast.

Pathetic Hauntings Poetry Contest Winners - 10/29/2009
by JD Clay

Congratulations to the Winners of the Pathetic Halloween Poetry Contest! Along with the designated prizes, the top winners will also be featured as Poem Of The Day in the near future.
Without further ado here are the winners as selected by the judges:
1st Place: Maria Francesca
2nd Place: (TIE) Kristina Woodhill and Peter Humphreys
3rd Place: Jennifer Ragan
Honorable Mentions go to the following poets in no particular order: Siqurdur Haraldsson, Garth Hill, LK Barrett, Vikki Owens, Peggy Eng, Mary Ellen Smith, S.K. Kenworthy , Angela Nuzzo Elizabeth Jill, John Weaver, Thomas Hunt, Christopher Shin and Sean Rooney.
Please take the time to read ALL the entries in the contest; they are all frighteningly imaginative and ghoulishly composed.
Laurie Blum and Colleen Sperry would also like to acknowledge all the judges, from behind the scenes, who helped to make this wonderful contest possible. Thanks to ALL Participants!

Halloween Poetry Contest - 10/05/2009
by JD Clay

Calling all Vampires, Ghosts, Zombies, Pagan and Poets! Announcing a new contest in the Poetry Contests Forum called: Pathetic Hauntings . Laurie Blum and Colleen Sperry cordially invite all pathetic creatures to partake and share in the spirit of Halloween! The contest awards the top three entrants with Poem Of The Day honors and wonderful prizes. So get in a frightening mood and set your pens in motion.
Click on the Pathetic Hauntings link to view the contest and enter the competition.

Holiday Poetry Contest Winners! - 12/17/2008
by JD Clay

The Winter Wonderland Poetry Competition was a major success thanks to the sponsorship of Laurie Blum and Colleen Sperry. BRAVO!
Congratulations to everyone who entered.
Special honors go the prizewinners who will be featured as upcoming Poems Of The Day.

1st Place winner of a $25 Bookstore Gift Card and POTD on Christmas Day is:
Dad's Christmas Gifts by Dave Fitzgerald.

2nd Place winner of Poetry Practice Book (In the Palm of Your Hand) and POTD is:
a soldier's christmas (ABC) by Aaron Michael.

3rd Place winner of a Holiday knick-knack and POTD is:
untitled by Nathaniel Goodfellow.

Honorable Mentions go to the following entrants in no particular order:
“A Winter Dance” written by Callie Blake.
”The Day Santa Died” written by Terry Olynik.
”The Snow Sneezing Streak” written by Jennifer Ragan.
”Evergreen” written by Cassandra Leigh.

Laurie Blum and Colleen Sperry would also like to acknowledge all the judges, from behind the scenes, who helped to make this wonderful contest possible. CONGRATULATIONS ALL!

Winter Wonderland Poetry Competition - 11/21/2008
by JD Clay

Laurie Blum and Colleen Sperry are proud to announce a new poetry contest posted in the Contest Forum complete with prizes for the top three entrants. They cordially invite all pathetic members to partake and share in the spirit of the Holidays. So get in a festive mood and set your pens in motion.
Click on Holiday Poetry Contest for a direct link to view and enter the competition.

Photopoetagraphy Contest - WINNERS! - 09/29/2008
by JD Clay

Congratulations to the Winners of the first Photopoetagraphy Contest here at Pathetic.org! Along with the designated prizes, the top 3 winners will also be featured as Poem Of The Day in the near future.

Without further fanfare here are the winners as selected by the judges:
1st Place: Winner of a $25 Border’s Gift Card
“Our Neglected Dock in Paynes Prairie” Written By: S. Pelham Flood
(Inspired by: Boardwalk)

2nd Place and winner of the inspiring book “Immortal Poetry”
“Inspired by Boardwalk” written by Kristina Woodhill
(Inspired by: Boardwalk)

3rd Place and winner of a beautifully crafted bookmark:
“This Death” Written by Angela Nuzzo
(Inspired by: Up High in the Sky)

Honorable Mentions go to the following poets:
Daniel Ridges, James Zealy and Meghan Helmich.

Please take the time to read ALL the entries in the contest; they are all very imaginative and powerfully composed.

THANKS TO ALL THE WRITERS THAT PARTICIPATED IN OUR CONTEST! It is very inspiring to read all the beautiful poetry created by our members. You all deserve a round of applause! Keep writing and creating everyone!
Laurie & Michelle

Special thanks go out to Laurie Blum and Michelle Angelini for presenting this wonderful contest and a job well done.

Photopoetagraphy Poetry Contest - 08/30/2008
by JD Clay

Have you ever been inspired to write a poem after viewing a photograph? Well here is a chance to express yourself. Select a picture from one of six beautiful photos. Three photos are posted in the journal of Michelle Angelini and three are posted in the journal of Laurie Blum.
Here are the links to the pictures:

Michelle Angelini pictures

Laurie Blum pictures

The contest will begin September 1st and ends on September 20, 2008. Winners will be announced by September 30, 2008.

For contest rules please check the announcement in the Poetry Contest Forum.

One poem per contestant will be accepted. Please remember to state which photo you used as inspiration and include the title of your poem in the same box where you post your entry.
Poems will be judged on Creativity, Form, Imagery, and Overall.

First Place - $25 Borders Gift Certificate
Second Place - a book from Borders
Third place - a beautiful bookmark

The Essence of the Season - 12/25/2007
by JD Clay

The Holiday Poetry Contest sponsored by Michelle Angelini, was a tremendous success this year. With a whopping total of 28 entries, I’m sure you’ll all agree that the competition was talent-filled, deep and wide. The winners are here as follows. Please visit each library and let them know how much you enjoy their work.
First Place honors go to Norm Milliken with ”Christmas 1968”.
Second Place goes to Dave Fitzgerald with A Christmas that almost never was.
And in Third Place is Bruce Neidt with his sonnettSwaddling Clothes.
Honorable mentions are recognized by Terry Olynik, Peter Humphreys, Kristina Woodhill, Kathy Wilson, Mary Frances Spencer, and Jennifer Ragan.
All the entries can be viewed in the Poetry Contest forum.
Thanks to everyone by making this a very successful event. You are winners all.
Happy Holidays!

by JD Clay

Hey everyone! How about adding to the holiday spirit by entering Michelle's Holiday Poetry Contest. The contest ends on Dec. 22, 2007 at midnight PST, so get your (new or old) entries in soon - only 6 more days left. The first prize is a wonderful book from Barnes & Noble and POTD on Christmas Day. Second place winner receives a 2008 poetry and photo calendar. The rules are posted in the Poetry Contest forum; post your entries there and get them in real soon.

Open! Open! Open! - 08/19/2007
by JD Clay

For your leisure or a ceasure:
The Contest Forums are ready, willing and await your poetic imagistration.
For Critique: The Poetry Clinic and Poetriage have gurneys standing by. Give it a shot!

Oh and don't forget the forums are alive and well. Oh, are they alive!

Remember: This is a member driven community whereby your participation is vital.

Maria Angelina Annual Poetry Contest: ”Affresco” - 07/21/2007
by JD Clay

The following was eloquently scripted by Maria Massarella:
Congratulations! Angela Nuzzo, for winning First Prize in the inaugural Maria Angelina Annual Poetry Contest: ”Affresco” dedicated to Italy. Let her splendid poem “Sotto i Cieli Italiani” [click here] capture and lure you to her library.

Second Prize goes to Michelle Angelini who voices the subtle wonder of Growing Up Italian, [click here] . Third prize goes to Quentin Clingerman with his reminiscence of An Italian Holiday, [click here] .

Honourable mentions for Peter Humphreys, Rachel H Duncan and Deanna M Gritsonis.

Grazie! Grazie! to all the creative Muses who came out to play under Italian skies. Mine is still wearing rings on her feet, the pulse of a Second Annual Event throbbing Inspirations dance.


*maria Angelina

“Memories of June” Contest Winners - 06/29/2007
by JD Clay

As you may have read on the Poetry Contests forum, I, Bruce Niedt, sponsored a poetry contest for the month of June. Well, the votes of the judges are in, and here are the winners: First prize goes to Frank Ovalle, for his short but witty poem entitled simply, “June”, click here Frank will receive a copy of my latest chapbook, Wire to the Heart, and the latest issue of Journal of New Jersey Poets, which also features a poem of mine. Congratulations, Frank! Second prize goes to Sarah Kate Luce for “20 years ago today”, click here and 3rd prize to Mike Loftis for “Forever in June”, click here. Honorable mentions also go out to Stephanie Lane Sutton, Lauren Singer, Maria Massarella, and Kerilynn Thomas. Well done, everyone!
~ Bruce Niedt d:-)

Double Congratulations to Bruce Niedt! - 05/06/2007
by JD Clay

As winner of both the Animalistic Poetry Contest with “Bitterroot Deer” and the Springtime Sonnet Contest with “Ode To Mulch: A Sonnet”, please honor long-time pathetic member, Bruce Niedt.
These contest winning poems and many other fine works can be found in his library.
You’ll find Bruce an accomplished author who is very eclectic in all facets of his writing with numerous publications both online and off.

Bravo, Bravo, Bruce!!!!

In the Contest Department - 03/18/2007
by JD Clay

Congratulations to Siri Lipscomb for winning the St. Paddy’s Day Limerick Contest.
Siri’s winning poem “Erin Go” was
St. Patrick’s Poem of the Day
and can be found in her library.

The Inaugural St. Paddy’s Day Limerick Contest was a stellar success. There were over thirty entries and the judges were hard-pressed to conclude.

The top ten, St. Paddy’s Day Limericks (as per our judges), will appear individually as Poems of the Day over the next month.

Gracious thanks to everyone involved!

Server Outtage - 03/02/2007
by Gavin M Roy

The power supply unit in the main web server for pathetic.org died yesterday. I've pulled a backup unit from another machine and have the site back up and running. The database server was not affected by the hardware issue and no data should have been lost.

Contest this! - 02/24/2007
by JD Clay

All members are cordially invited to join the fun and frivolity in the Poetry Contest Forum.
A St. Paddy’s Day Limerick Contest is up and running and you needn’t be Irish to enter or win.

Erin Go Bragh!

Email Migration - 12/04/2006
by Gavin M Roy

I'm going to be moving email to a new system. If you currently have a pathetic.org email address you will receive an instructional email that tells you how to login and get your new email. I expect this change to happen this week.

If you're seeing this after the change has taken place and can't check your email, please email me at gmr@pathetic.org.

If you're supposed to have email (paid for an address, but are not setup) please email me as well.

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