
Community News

Important Update: Transition from pathetic.org to eMuse.org - 03/16/2025
by Gavin M Roy

After years of intermittent development, eMuse is almost ready to launch. As part of this transition, pathetic.org will be shutdown and will redirect to eMuse.org.
What you need to know:

* No accounts will be automatically created
* No content will be automatically transferred
* When creating your new eMuse account, you'll have the option to import your data from pathetic.org

We look forward to welcoming you to the new platform.

Hello, Survivors of 2020! - 01/03/2021
by V. Blake

Please check my post out in the General forum when you have a moment. Thanks!

Stay Healthy - 03/18/2020
by V. Blake

Hope you and yours are well.

A Congratulations to Leonard M Hawkes - 03/27/2019
by V. Blake

..who just published his first volume of poetry! Entitled Leaves from my Box Elder, it comes just in time for the 150th anniversary of the driving of the Golden Spike.

So, like the title says--congrats, Leonard!

Everything is Broken - 02/06/2018
by V. Blake

As I write this, I don't actually know if it will post successfully. Let's see.

Sorry to report that the owner of this website has abandoned it. We owe him eternal gratitude for all the work that went into building it in the first place, and for continuing to foot the bill that keeps it online at all. That said: we apologize for the bugs, but there's nothing we can do to fix them.

Keep steady backups of your poetry. And everything else--that's just practical advice for a digital world.

In case you didn't realize, private messaging does not work. Your messages are not reaching their recipients.

The moderators can pick poems of the day. That's about it for our powers.

I am sorry. Site errors will prevent me from making you a member. I promise that we'd have welcomed you to this community if we could.


I guess that's it. Hope you're having a good day.

The Pathetic Book of Poetry - 04/08/2014
by V. Blake

Our very own Jody Pratt was cool enough to put together a book of poetry using submissions from Pathetic members. Read more about it in the forums--you can even just click this link if you're feeling lazy, so no excuses.

Thanks go out to Jody for his efforts and to everyone who submitted their work to make it possible. Go get yourself a copy!

New Server - 08/03/2013
by Gavin M Roy

The site has been moved to a new server which should address the ongoing login issues for the past week or so.

Stop, Collaborate, and Listen Contest Results - 09/20/2011
by V. Blake

Well, the extended contest is over, and we have our results! Congratulations to our winners, and a sincere thanks to all the participants!

Scarecrow by Frankie Sanchez and Steven Kenworthy

Everyone else! (Sorry. The submissions were too few to warrant runner-up selections!)

There wasn't a huge pool of submissions this time around, but all the ones we got were awesome. Thanks again everybody.

Stop, Collaborate, and Listen Contest - 08/28/2011
by V. Blake

Well, the initial closing of the contest was to take place last night, but as we've only had two submissions so far, I have decided to extend the date by a couple of weeks to give everyone some more time. I understand collaborations don't always get done in a neat schedule, so I am hoping this will allow for a bit more competition.

New Poetry Contest: Stop, Collaborate, and Listen - 08/02/2011
by V. Blake

Took a month off from the poetry contests, so we thought we'd give you one doubly big to make up for it.

Rules and such can be found on the Poetry Contest forum, or by clicking right here. This should be a lot of fun--really looking forward to what you guys come up with!

Getting Personal Contest Results - 07/05/2011
by V. Blake

Better late than never, I suppose. Congratulations to all the winners and a sincere thanks to all the participants!


Missed Connections by Daniel M Ridges (Warning: Explicit language)

Knockers by Maria Francesca
27yo Pansexual Deity ISO 20-29yo Equal by S. Pelham Flood

I loved reading all the submissions, and I hope you had fun with the contest. Look forward to another one very, very soon...

Happy Father's Day! - 06/19/2011
by V. Blake

Just wanted to wish a Happy Father's Day to all our Pathetic dads. Keep up the good work, gentleman.

New Poetry Contest: Getting Personal - 06/04/2011
by V. Blake

Well, June has arrived, and we figured we'd keep the contest train rolling and give you all another chance at internet stardom. All of the details and rules can be found by visiting the Poetry Contests forum, or by clicking right here.

As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and we look forward to continuing the success of the last couple months!

What do you see? - Contest Results - 06/03/2011
by Ava Blu

Thanks so much to all who entered the contest! We had a great turnout once again and all of the poems were fantastic. I loved the inspiration you guys felt from the picture I chose. The winner and runners-up have been chosen.

Crazy Heart by Scott Utley

Nomad's Land by Silenti Poeta
Sun Eater by Adele Cameron

May's Poetry Contest - What do you see? - 05/10/2011
by Ava Blu

We have another new poetry contest for the month of May!

All of the details, rules, etc. can be found in the forums, or by clicking right here.

Good luck to everyone! Please don't hesitate to PM me with any questions.

Way Down in the Hole Contest Results - 05/01/2011
by V. Blake

After a whole bunch of amazing submissions, we had to pick a winner. Thank you so much to everyone who helped make my first attempt at a contest a success--you all nailed the prompt and we loved reading all your work. Congratulations to the winners!

Bone Machine by David Hill

Open-Mic Killers by Jason Wardell
Victim by Daniel Ridges

Email Domain Requirement Removed - 04/10/2011
by Gavin M Roy

Our long standing requirement that an email address come from a non-free email provider has been remove. Yahoo Mail, GMail and Hotmail users may now register.

Hello. - 04/03/2011
by V. Blake

After some doubtlessly whimsical moments of consideration, our Grand Poobah Gavin has elected to allow me to assist in moderating this fine site of ours. Some of you may find this funny, and at least one of you will find this downright hysterical, I am sure.

I am around almost constantly, and check in quite often. I just wanted to alert the community at large that, in the event that you need help with something, you can feel free to get in touch with me, and I will see what I can do.

Thanks for continuing to put up with me, Pathetic.

Poetry Contest: Way Down in the Hole - 04/03/2011
by V. Blake

I am pleased to announce a brand new contest to you all!

All of the details, rules, and etc. can be found in the forums, or by clicking right here. We hope you're all up for the challenge!

Good luck to everyone, and please don't hesitate to PM Ava or myself with any further questions.

CHILLING CREEPY Contest Winners - 10/28/2010
by JD Clay

Congratulations to the Winners of the Chillingly Creepy Halloween Poetry Contest! Along with the prizes, the top winners will also be featured as Poem Of The Day in the near future. Here are the winners as selected by the judges:
First Place: It’s Always Halloween or Zombies Everywhere by Rula Shin.
A Tie for Second place between The Love Tides of Hell by Rhiannon Jones and Halloween Nirvana by Angela Nuzzo.
All the entries were appropriately Chillingly creepy and horrifyingly haunting! Excellent work Poets!!
Laurie Blum and Joe Cramer would also like to acknowledge all the judges, behind the scenes, who helped to make this wonderful contest possible.

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