Tarifforism by Chris Sorrenti
As a nation
we all breathe a collective sigh of relief
in having dodged the tariff bullet
thanks to conversations between
the President and Justin Trudeau
who has done some of his best work
given some of his best speeches
with the country under siege
in these waning days of his Prime Ministership
After all
Trump is just being Trump
practising the art of the deal
for Canada it’s a wakeup call
trade barriers between provinces
have to come down
this country is a powerhouse of natural resources
build the LNG pipelines!
send natural gas west to China
so they can finally eliminate
or at least reduce the burning of coal
east across the Atlantic to Europe
so that Putin cannot blackmail them
in the process
make this country a place
worth investing in again
And while we play the waiting game
Canadians are already mobilizing
purchasing only Canadian
as self reliant is what we must become
to avoid further economic terrorism
or shall we say tarifforism?
the grand puba obviously
never read his history books
Tariffs are a thing of the past
a relic of the 19th century
history proven time and again
to be just as painful to the tariffer
so go ahead Señor Trump
shoot yourself in the foot
and watch as your popularity
bleeds away
and then we'll see
which is the greater nation
© 2025
150 hits as of February 2025
02/05/2025 Posted on 02/05/2025 Copyright © 2025 Chris Sorrenti