Once You're Done by Chris Sorrenti
Once you’re done on Facebook
then it’s time to go home
find some other interest
to while away the hours
but these days
they’re few and far between
Catch up now and then with the PVR
a Japanese movie (black & white)
from 1953 Tokyo Story
well off family with one a doctor
grandparents visiting by train
to see the kids
from Hiroshima prefecture
reassuringly with no evidence
that there was ever a war
except later in conversations
of missing sons
But what else is on tap?
Thor and assorted superheroes
with a solid cast of dragons and villains
and On the Edge of Canada
Smithsonian geography series
with of course the old standbys
paranormal by the truck load
Wheel of Fortune
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
with Jimmy Kimmel
Or you could just stay at the computer
write a poem on whatever
if one wants to be written
about your mundane adventures?
and before you know it
it’s time to feed those other hungers
then back to Facebook
to post that new poem
before heading off to bed
© 2024
250 hits as of February 2025
09/17/2024 Posted on 09/17/2024 Copyright © 2025 Chris Sorrenti