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August 3rd

by Chris Sorrenti

August 3rd
and not a poem in sight
might be the humidity
though can’t blame the weather
then again no news is good news
was the magistrate’s final verdict
as he banged his gavel down so hard
it could be heard three counties over

Neither here nor there
the point is there haven’t been any new poems
in three days
can you do something about that Chris?
and don't go spouting off again
about some imaginary muse

the poems pretty well write themselves these days
I’m only a part-time piano player
taking dictation from on high
the rest of the time twiddling my thumbs
but if memory serves me correct
all it takes is just one mention of the great dry
and shazam!
the rain comes down in buckets

Now if that’s not good enough for you
August 3rd
I suggest you take it up with the magistrate

and what do you know?
while we were talking
look down at the page
there’s a brand-new poem

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140 hits as of August 2024


Posted on 08/03/2024
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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