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Oxymoron 2024 (the Toilet Poem)

by Chris Sorrenti

My new-fangled toilet is a pain in the ass
in more ways than one
landlord installed it as a water saving device
kiss that old fashioned power flush goodbye

The entire thing is self-contained like a submarine
no more poking around the back
if something goes wrong
so the free plunger provided is totally useless

It’s all in the flush or lack of it
now it takes two or three pushes on the lever
to get all the you know what on its way
so much for water conservation

As a result the gunk in the bowl quickly builds up
to a necessary cleaning at least every other day
problem is not in the quantity of what’s going down
but connection between toilet and handle

Though lately it’s been working much better
maybe it overheard me talking to myself
about trading it in for that old reliable power flush
don’t you love new technology?

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160 hits as of September 2024


Posted on 07/26/2024
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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