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by Chris Sorrenti

Not surprisingly
when it comes to posting
Mondays are usually busier than the weekends
after all
who wants to decorate a house for a party?
when few if any are bound to show

After the customary Sunday afternoon
“Have a good safe week!” greeting
complete with music video
a little humor’s what’s called for
break out the memes!
to balance a weekend
of deadpan poetry
hyperlinked from Pathetic.org

it’s July 1st and
another Canada Day long weekend
who’d be staring at a computer screen
on a sunny day such as this?
you’d be surprised

And wouldn’t you know it?
the Royal Canadian Air Force is in town
with a hundred years of flying history
to dazzle the crowd downtown
while others are content
just to stay at home
catch it later
on a different kind of screen

© 2024

190 hits as of August 2024


Posted on 07/01/2024
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

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