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Didn't - Couldn't - Wouldn't

by Chris Sorrenti

Didn’t watch or
listen tonight

Like Justin Trudeau
and Chrystia Freeland
here up north
I can’t stand the
sound of his voice
and the sight of him
makes me physically ill

Couldn’t watch or
listen tonight

Will catch the highlights
tomorrow morning
with hopefully
a knockout blow
settle this once
and for all even
before November

Wouldn’t watch or
listen tonight

It only ends up raising
my blood pressure
and never was
into self-abuse
and as much as I’ve
come to hate politics
the show will go on

With or without me in
the front row

© 2024

190 hits as of August 2024


Posted on 06/28/2024
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Johanna May on 06/28/24 at 07:04 AM

Your poems almost always make me check the news lol. Hopefully some heartening news in the future.

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