Giving it all you got

by Philip F De Pinto

Giving it all you got
Is as necessary as not
Perhaps more
Of the same groping of shells on the shore
The molestations that murmur and rend
The garment of silence to loquacious ends
That not making advances is not void of substance
That lacking confidence
Is as valuable as not
That to gain a love
Is the same as to lose
The one you could not make usage of


Posted on 06/13/2024
Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Nadia Gilbert Kent on 06/17/24 at 03:58 AM

nothing matters when everything made of matter matters?

Posted by Johanna May on 06/28/24 at 07:24 AM

Reminds me of a Wislawa Szymborska poem, the essence of it is somewhere or sometime in our past or currently,, someone burned new discoveries, threw away a key etc. and the future is all the more better for it. I love the words you garbed this poem with.

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